Dear Heavenly Father - before You today, with a contrite and heavy-laden heart, comes a terrible sinner named Mark Shutts. Having been saved by the precious Atoning Blood of Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, I humbly lay at the foot of Your Throne a petition for your extended and unmerited grace to Your people. With this petition I implore Your mercy that You would strengthen the faith of Your children in these last days, helping us to trust only in You, completely giving ourselves to Your service. We very humbly thank You for Your assurance Father that as we live and remain faithful to You that You will remain faithfully as our constant guide in all things of life. We thank You Father for the great comfort You have provided in imparting to us your promises that in our difficulties You will be our Counselor, that in our trials and dangers You will be our Protector, and that in all of our sorrows You will be our Peace and Consolation. Keep us from ourselves Father so that the whole of what we are is immersed completely and only in You. Do not allow us to forget You in times of prosperity or to think that You have forgotten us in times of adversity. When all earthly comforts fail and the streams of earthly happiness are dried up may we still rest confidently in Your loving arms. From moment to moment and breath to breath lead us in boldly and unashamedly cementing our hearts, and ourselves, in an unshakeable immovable stand for You. Until the very moment of Your Glorious and Triumphant Return help us to step forward in faith in all things, looking only to You. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen.
-Mark Shutts